Membership Dues were sent out in October 2024 by mail.
Please contact us via email at: director@alacoronersassociation.com to receive another invoice.
Active Membership is open to all duly elected or appointed County Coroners, Deputy County Coroners, Medical Examiners, and the Director of the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, or his designee(s.) Each county shall have one (1) vote per office open for election, as long as they are in good standing and current in dues to the Association. The annual fee for Active Membership is determined by the county’s population:
- Population under 50,000 – Annual Membership is $200 includes Coroner and 1 Deputy Coroner.
- Population 50,000-200,000 – Annual Membership is $400 includes Coroner and 2 Deputy Coroner.
- Population over 200,000 – Annual Membership is $600 includes Coroner and 3 Deputy Coroner.
- $100 Annually for each additional Deputy Coroner.
Associate Membership is open to any individual who regularly acts as an industry supporter or vendor. Associate members are accorded all rights and privileges of the Association, except for the right to vote and hold office within the Association. The annual fee for Associate Membership is $100.
Lifetime Membership is open to past Coroners who have served in the capacity of County Coroner for a total of no less that twenty (20) years. Eligibility for an election to Lifetime Membership is determined by the active members of the Association and the qualifications for which consist of the required years of service and/or notable service. A Lifetime Member may attend and speak at all general business meetings of the Association and serve in a non-voting advisory role on committees. There is no annual fee for Lifetime Membership.
Initial Membership Dues are payable on or within three (3) months of being elected or appointed to the office of Coroner or Deputy Coroner. Thereafter, dues are billed on October 1 and are payable within three (3) months. Failure to pay dues before expiration of six months shall automatically terminate membership.
Lina Evans, Vice-President
email: levans@shelbyal.com
Association Address
PO Box 1331
Columbiana, AL 35051